
A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians is unavailable, but you can change that!

What is the meaning of the book of Philippians? What was the situation in the Philippian church? What is the value and significance of Philippians for us? In this commentary on the epistle to the Philippians, Eadie attempts to expose the personal connection between Paul and the Philippian church, identifying its ongoing implications. Like his other New Testament commentaries, A Commentary on the...

When he spoke, his theme was Christ; and when he wrote, Christ filled his letters. There is little doubt that the apostle refers in his utmost soul to the glorification of Christ by the diffusion of the gospel. It had been so, and the spirit of his declaration is, that it would be so still. Nay, it was his pride or his effort to preach where the name of Jesus had never been proclaimed. He liked to lay the foundation, leaving the erection of the structure to others. He chose the distant parts of labour
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